Self-education expenses

If you have commenced study you may be eligible to claim self-education and study expenses if you meet the following criteria

·         The course must have sufficient connection to your current employment

·         The course maintains or improves specific skills/knowledge to your current role

·         The course will result in/is likely to result in and increase in income in your current role

You are not eligible to claim any self-education and study expenses if the above conditions are not met. You are unable to claim any deductions for future employment, this includes changes in occupations.

What can you claim if you do meet the above criteria

·         General course expenses, this includes but is not limited to:

o   Course and tuition fees (if paid during the semester)

o   Student services amenities fees

o   Stationery and textbooks

o   Accommodation and meals (if away from home, e.g. on placement out of town)

o   Car expenses (travelling to your place of education from work or home)

What can’t you claim if you do meet the above criteria

·         Tuition fees paid by others such as employers or external loans

·         Payments of study and training loans

o   Higher Education Loan Program (HELP)

o   Student Financial Supplement Scheme (SFSS)

o   VET Student Loans (VSL)

o   Student Start-up Loans (SSL)Trade Support Loan Program (TSL)

For more information on self-education expenses and a list on all claimable expenses please visit the ATO.