Special Disaster Assistance Recovery Grant Primary Producer
What assistance is available?
If your primary production business has suffered direct damage from the 2019 Monsoonal Trough, a
'Special Disaster Assistance Recovery Grant' is available up to a maximum of $75,000. The grant is to assist your enterprise to pay for clean-up costs and reinstatement activities.
How is the assistance designed to help?
The grant enables primary production enterprises to pay for costs that are directly associated to cleaning and reinstatement activities such as:
Hiring or leasing equipment and/or materials to clean premises, property or equipment;
Removing and disposing of debris, damaged goods and materials (including injured or dead livestock);
Repairing or replacing fencing on properties;
Purchasing and transporting fodder or feed for livestock;
Replacing livestock;
Replacing lost or damaged plants, salvaging crops, repairing or restoring fields;
Repairing or replacing essential plant or equipment;
Maintaining the health of livestock; and
Paying additional wages to employees assisting with the clean-up work.
You can visit the Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority website for more information on the Special Disaster Assistance Recovery Grants.